Massacre at Matute

Unknown wild flower

Thursday we left the big truck parking and made our way to Segovia, the name was so beautiful but the parking was beside a bull fighting arena. There were fortunately no bulls. As it was an overcast day and our parking spot was not attractive, we moved on. To the edge of a small town called Vegas de Matute.

Stone walls in Vegas de Matute remind me of the west of Ireland

Very different setting, all stone houses in the centre and small ploughed plots of land on the outskirts. The town was empty except for two women chatting in the tiny grocery shop where I bought bread. We had originally picked this parking location because of a restaurant with good reviews nearby… unfortunately closed until tomorrow but don’t worry about us, we had a long date pasta bolognaise waiting in the fridge along with the crusty bread.

Also unknown

The clouds lifted in the afternoon and I took advantage of a perfect bench nearby to enjoy the moment. I had noticed lots of wild flowers, that morning, ones I had never seen before. Of course I took pictures and just as well because in the afternoon they were all gone!

All gone

A very loud strimmer had woken me from my siesta (yes, a necessity after my night with the prawns) but I never thought the flowers might be in danger. But sitting on my perfect bench I saw the flowers were gone – murdered by an unseen strimmer.

Oh… my phone thinks this might be poison hemlock…

Although, that might be hearsay as I only heard it, I never actually saw anyone. I didn’t even seen the strimmer machine. All I can be sure of is the flowers were alive and well in the morning…

Might need a new map – Vegas de Matute is on top of the P in Spain

Take pictures when you can everything has a lifespan.