Me Gustó

We stopped at a town on the way to Foz to have a coffee with a view

We moved on from our spot near our new Cork friends in Espasante and for the next three days we stayed in the town of Foz, still on the northern Spanish coast. We’d stayed in camper parking on the outskirts of the town in April 2019 not knowing there was free parking right on the water front in the town. This year we parked on the grass in front of the water. With restaurants, cafes and shops all nearby.

Can you see Ruby over there?

The weather has changed, to overcast and cool in Foz… and I am very happy about that. But I do notice how the photos feel brighter and even happier when the sun is shining. Today the photos feel more sombre I need photos so I will use them. They remind me that not every day can be bright and cheerful. We can’t be bright and cheerful every day either and we don’t have to be.

Can you see the white tiles inside? And the lock and chain on the door? And a hint of red paint on the door?

I had forgotten until we came north how much I love grimy old buildings. I love the broken windows, the rusting metal, the green moss, the hints of colour and a previous life. It’s not the same when the sun shines but when it’s a dull day, these buildings shout out to me – hello look at us, we’re still here, we’ve been though a lot but we’re still here.

The colours, like pistachios and chocolate

They feed something in me. It wasn’t always like this, I used to hate anything old and grimy. But that was before I could appreciate the time it takes to become something old and grimy. The things you have to go through to become old and grimy. Whatever lasts after all that is worth appreciating. Whoever lasts after all that is also worth appreciating.

More beautiful rusty corrugated siding

Being in the town we had the opportunity to try some more Spanish tapas. Maybe even get the right amount? We took a twenty minute stroll to a restaurant with good reviews and enjoyed the exactly perfect amount of food. There was potatoes with garlic – of course. A plate of really thinly sliced ham – three different varieties with cheese. And prawn, possibly from the truck we slept beside at the petrol station?

We had finished all the cheese and most of the ham when we remembered to take a photo. That’s the potatoes in garlic at the back… drool

Or wait, no, maybe prawns from the sea just outside? With seaweed (yes!) and wild mushrooms. Every single dish was delicious. Do you remember our new friend with the cafe in the really hot town before Seville who made me a great hot chicken with garlic roll? No? Ok well he had taught is to say, Me Gustó, if we liked our food – I got to use it for the first time. Might have impressed the waiter because he smiled a lot… or, he may have been trying not to laugh.

The prawns, seaweed and wild mushrooms and bread

Yaa… we remembered to take photos.

Yellow dots from Espasante to Foz