Coffee also tricky

Coffee success

We enjoyed two nights in Vouvant before moving on to the coast. On our way I bought some more postcards. I had already bought extra stamps at the post office in Vouvant so I was just a couple of steps away from successful Postcard-ing.

View in the Pressé

Stopping along the journey for a coffee is one of our favourite things to do but it’s almost as difficult as postcard-ing. Unless you are on the motorway (where coffee stops are regular and well signposted with room to park) spotting an open cafe with parking as you pass through French towns is fraught with disappointment.

Les Sables-d’Olonne

I was on cafe duty when we left Vouvant and as I had not had breakfast my focus was razor sharp. I spotted one but it was too late we had passed – it’s tricky doing a u-turn in a motorhome. The second one was closed and we drove past two more noticing them too late. And then we spotted a supermarket, all supermarkets have parking, yes. And cafes, right? No. No, they do not. We made our own coffee that day. Huge disappointment… I’m joking, haha.

Could that be a post box in Saint-Jean-de-Monts?

Next day we moved on to a second costal spot. I had had my breakfast so not as focused but would not be as disappointed if we didn’t find someone to make us coffee. We spotted a huge shopping centre/supermarket ahead at the next roundabout. Unfortunately the signage for parking was less than clear and we found ourselves driving past. Noooo. Fortunately, up ahead was another roundabout. I know what you’re thinking… you think we went around the roundabout and back the way we had come just for a coffee? Yes, yes we did.

Wild flowers are safe on French streets

We came back to the first roundabout. Had to go round it a couple of dizzying times but we found the entrance and there was plenty space to park. While we were in there I discovered something I had previously completely missed… Pressé, (a type of shop found in every French town) is a newsagents and it’s where you can buy magazines, postcards… and stamps!!! My world view had just exploded.

More wildflowers

I didn’t need more stamps but I bought magazines and more postcards.

Red dots along the coast to Les Sables-d’Olonne and Saint-Jean-de-Monts